How to remove a person from an organization?

NordLocker Business organization owners and admins can delete or suspend members from the organization. Deleted members will lose access to the organization vault permanently, while suspended members can be reactivated. 

Deleting a member


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. Go to Members page, and select Active tab.
  3. Locate a member that you want to remove and click the three dots icon on the right. Select Delete

    Important: Deleting a member will completely wipe the user's data and it cannot be reversed.  

Suspending a member


If you wish to temporarily remove the members' access to your organization's vault you can suspend them.


  1. Log into Admin Panel.

  2. Go to Members page, and select Active tab.
  3. Locate a member that you want to suspend and click the three dots icon on the right. Select Suspend

Suspended accounts will be moved to the Suspended tab.

To activate a suspended account, go to the Suspended tab, click the three dots icon next to their email, and select Activate


If you wish to permanently remove a suspended member, click the three dots icon next to their email, and select Delete