How to use the file request feature on NordLocker's web app

All premium NordLocker users have access to the file request feature, which enables them to receive files from anyone with whom they share a link and the security code. The files are transferred directly into your Cloud in a secure, end-to-end encrypted manner, ensuring complete privacy and protection. In this article, you can find the steps on how to use the file request feature on NordLocker's web app.


Table of contents:


Requesting file upload on the Web app

NordLocker's file request feature allows you to securely and conveniently ask others to send you files. Whether you're collaborating with clients, colleagues, or friends, you can rest assured that privacy and security are fully maintained.


Follow these steps to request files:

  1. Log in to the NordLocker application, press the my files button located on the upper left side, and select a folder.

    View of NordLocker web app's dashboard, the my files button is highlighted.svg

  2. Click on the three dots button.

    View of Nordlocker web app's my files section, 3 dots are highlighted.svg

  3. Afterward, select the request files button.

    View of Nordlokcer web app's my files 3 dots section, the request files button is highlighted.svg

  4. As another option, you can ask for files by pressing the request files button via the side navigation panel on the right.

    View of Nordlocker web app's folder information, request files button is highlighted.svg

  5. Once you press the request files button, a new window will pop up:
    • If you have a premium subscription, you can copy the requested link and security code from the popup window and share them. In order to maintain maximum security, we recommend sharing the link and security code via separate channels.

      View of NordLocker web app's request files window.svg
    • If you're on a free plan, a new window will pop up asking you to upgrade your subscription to access this feature.

      View of NordLocker web app's request files window for non-premium users.svg


Uploading files via file request link

Once you receive the file request link, uploading files to NordLocker's Cloud is a straightforward and secure way to store your documents, images, and other files in the Cloud. With robust end-to-end encryption, your data remains private and protected. In case you're sharing personal information or collaborating on a project, NordLocker ensures a safe and easy file upload process.


If you wish to upload files to NordLocker's Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Open the shared link in your browser. This will open a locked tab asking you to enter the security code to upload files.

    View of browser's tab after opening the NordLocker's file request link.svg

  2. After typing in the security code, simply drag and drop files to the empty folder area and the files will be sent to the owner of the Cloud.

    View of NordLocker's file upload section, the empty folder area is highlighted.svg

  3. Alternatively, you can use the upload button to send the files to the owner of the Cloud.

    View of NordLocker's file upload section, the upload button is highlighted.svg

If you experience any issues or have additional questions, do not hesitate to submit a request to our customer success team.

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