How to join NordLocker Business organization?

NordLocker Business organization's owners and admins can invite other members to join the organization. This guide will explain how to accept an invitation and create a new account after you were invited to join an organization. Learn more about inviting members to join the NordLocker organization in this guide.


  1. Select Create Business Account button in the invitation email. 
  2. This will open a new window. Select Create Nord Account.
  3. Enter your email address. Select Continue.
  4. You will receive a verification code in your email. Enter the code from the letter to verify your email.
  5. Create your Nord Account password and select Create password
  6. Create your NordLocker Key. This password will be used to access your encrypted files. 
  7. Make sure to save your Recovery Key. This code can be used to reset your NordLocker Key. 
  8. Now that your account is created, you can join the NordLocker organization. Read and agree to NordLocker Business Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and select Accept